Constitution and By-Laws

GFWC - The Woman's Club of Loudoun


This organization shall be known as GFWC- The Woman's Club of Loudoun, Incorporated.


The purpose of this organization shall be to bring together all women interested in the welfare for the County of Loudoun; to be a center for the civic, educational, and cultural life of the county; to further the general advancement and progress of womankind.


This constitution may be amended or revised at any regular or special meeting of the Club by a two-thirds vote of the quorum (33% of the membership as of January 31), provided written notice of the proposed amendments of revision has been given to the membership at least ten days before the specified regular or special meeting. If adopted, they shall be effective immediately.



Section 1.

Membership shall be open throughout the club year.

Section 2.

To become a member of the Club one shall be invited in accordance with the By-Laws of the Club.

Section 3.

Nominations for membership shall be on a nomination blank, shall be sponsored by one active member who personally knows the nominee, and be submitted to the Membership Committee. If a prospective member is not sponsored by a club member, she shall be required to attend two meetings before applying for membership. The Membership Committee shall present names of prospective members to the Board of Governors at the upcoming meeting.

Section 4.

New members shall be notified by the Corresponding Secretary within 10 days of the Board Meeting welcoming them to the club and informing them of the club obligations.

Section 5.

A candidate shall be enrolled as a member upon payment of dues and confirmation by the Board of Governors.

Section 6.

Any member who fails to pay annual dues by May 1 after due notice from the Treasurer shall be considered as having voluntarily withdrawn from the club.

Section 7.

A member whose name has been dropped from the roll for non-payment of dues may re-enter the club as a new member.

Section 8.

Members desiring to withdraw from the Club should submit letters of resignation to the corresponding Secretary. A member having resigned, who desires to re-enter the Club as an active member, shall notify the Membership Chair, who shall place her name before the Board of Governors.

Section 9.

A member may be granted a leave of absence for one year upon written request to the Board, at the end of which time payment of dues must be resumed or her name will be dropped from the roll.

Section 10.

Members in good standing from other Federated clubs upon presenting a letter of transfer signed by the President or Secretary of the prior club.

Section 11.

A member in good standing may request a letter of Transfer to another club. The letter shall be signed by the President or Corresponding Secretary.


Section 1.

The officers of this Club shall be the President or Co-Presidents, First Vice President, Second Vice President, Recording Secretary, Treasurer, and Corresponding Secretary.

Section 2.

The President or Co-Presidents (furthermore known as President) shall preside at all Board and Club meetings. She shall appoint Chairs of all community service programs and all committees. She shall also appoint the following: Auditor, Courtesy/Registrar Chair, Historian, Newsletter Editor, Web Site Manager, and Parliamentarian. She shall approve any bills not budgeted and serve as ex officio on all committees.

Section 3.

The First Vice President shall assume the duties of the President in her absence, shall be chair of the Program Committee, shall compile the Year Book with the aid of the Program Committee, and shall assign each member to a community service program or committee. She shall serve as ex officio member of all community service programs. She is responsible for giving each new member a copy of the yearbook.

Section 4.

The Second Vice President shall assume the duties of the First Vice President in her absence and perform any other duties assigned by the President. It shall be her responsibility to prepare the budget and present it for adoption at the first Board meeting of the fiscal year. She shall be the Junior Woman’s Club Contact Chair and shall give assistance to the Junior Club when requested and shall act as liaison between the two clubs.

Section 5.

The Recording Secretary shall keep an accurate record of all meetings of the Board and the Club.

Section 6.

The Treasurer shall be responsible for the collection and disbursement of all Club funds upon the approval of the Board.

Section 7.

The Corresponding Secretary shall keep a membership roll with addresses and shall inform new members of their club obligations. (See Article I, Section 4) She shall conduct the correspondence of the Club. She shall also be responsible for obtaining hostesses for Board Meetings.

Section 8.

The officers of the Club (See Article II, Section 1) shall constitute the Executive Board, which shall meet upon the call of the President.


Section 1.

Nominations shall be made by a Nominating Committee of five members, two of whom shall be appointed by the President and three selected from the floor. The first member named shall be Chair. This committee shall be named at the November General Meeting of the second year of an administration. This committee shall report at the General Meeting in January preceding the election in February. In January other nominations may be made from the floor. In case of inclement weather that causes meeting cancellations, the timeline will be duly adjusted.

Section 2.

Article III, Sections 1, 3, and 4 shall be read at the General Meeting when the Nominating Committee is named.

Section 3.

A member must have belonged to the Club for one year to be eligible to hold an elected office.

Section 4.

Officers shall be elected for a two-year term and are eligible to re-election to the same office after a lapse of two years. They may, however, be elected to another office. The officers shall be elected every two years at the General Meeting in February in accordance with the By-Laws.

Section 5.

In case of a vacancy in the office of the President, the First Vice President shall become President and the Second Vice President shall become First Vice President. In case of vacancy in the office of Second Vice President, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary or Treasurer, a successor shall be elected by the members of the Club to fill the unexpired term.


Section 1.

The Board of Governors shall manage the affairs of the Club, provide for any contingency which may arise, and discharge any business of the Club not herein provided for.

Section 2.

The Board of Governors shall consist of the Officers of the Club, the Chairs of Community Service Programs, the Chairs of Committees, the Auditor, Courtesy/Registrar Chair, Historian, Newsletter Editor, Web Site Manager, Parliamentarian, two Members-at-Large who shall be elected from the floor at the General Meeting in March, and the immediate past President for two years.

Section 3.

The Board of Governors shall hold nine meetings a year unless otherwise designated by the President. Thirty-three per cent of the Board members shall constitute a quorum.

Section 4.

Following the general election of officers, the out-going President shall hold a joint meeting of the outgoing and incoming members of the Board of Governors at the March Board meeting.

Section 5.

Members-at-large shall represent the general membership, acting as liaison between the members and the Board of Governors. They shall serve as hostesses at the annual business meeting.


Section 1.

There shall be one regular meeting of the Club each of the ten month Club year unless otherwise designated by the President.

Section 2.

The annual business meeting shall be for the definite purpose of presenting annual reports of the officers, chairs of the community service programs, and chairs of the standing committees, historian and for the completion of routine business. Officers for new administrations shall be installed. The meeting shall be for club members only.

Section 3.

Thirty-three per cent of the membership of the Club as of January 31 shall constitute a quorum at any General Meeting. The quorum of the coming year shall be announced and published by the President at the February General Meeting.

Section 4.

Meetings other than specified may be held subject to the call of the President, or upon request of three active members. These meetings may be called for either business or programs, but must adhere strictly to the purpose of the call.


Section 1.

There shall be the following Community Service programs, each to present one program during the year.

1. Arts and Culture

2. Civic Engagement and Outreach

3. Education and Libraries

4. Environment

5. Health and Wellness

Section 2.

There shall be the following Standing Committees:

1. Club Institute

2. Hospitality

3. Membership

4. Program

5. Telephone

6. Ways and Means

Section 3.

Each member shall serve on at least two community service programs or committees.

Section 4.

A. The Club Institute Chair and her committee shall be responsible for the first meeting of each club year. They will assist the president in forming an agenda for this meeting. The Club Institute shall connect the local club with upper-level GFWC organizations.

B. The Hospitality Committee shall have charge of the December Social and other social activities as designated by the President and shall assist in welcoming members and guests at all Club activities.

C. The Membership Committee shall consider applicants and present their names to the Board of Governors. The committee shall be in charge of Membership events.

D. The Program Committee shall prepare a calendar of work and entertainment for the year and complete all arrangements for carrying out same.

E. The Telephone Committee shall contact officers and members when necessary at the request of the President. The Telephone Committee is to notify all members of a death of a member, a member’s spouse, a member’s parent or member’s child.

F. The Ways and Means Committee shall raise funds for the use of the Club.


Section 1.

The Auditor shall examine all of the Treasurer’s books before the annual business meeting and present a report at that time.

Section 2.

The Courtesy/Registrar Chair shall recognize the needs of the Club members by sending appropriate cards to members and their families in the event of illness, death or other occasions, and may send or take remembrances to home-bound members. They shall register all members and all guests at all meetings of the Club.

Section 3.

The Historian shall keep a condensed and accurate account of Club activities, and shall have custody of all papers of value. Past documents and records should be periodically presented to Thomas Balch Library for preservation.

Section 4.

The Parliamentarian shall decide all questions concerning parliamentary procedures arising at meetings of the Club.


Section 1.

The Club shall send the President or her designee and the allowed number of delegates to the District Meeting, State Convention, and VFWC Conference.

Section 2.

Expenses of the President or her designee and allowed number of delegates to the District Meeting, State Convention, and VFWC Conference shall be paid from the Club treasury.


By-Laws may be adopted, repealed, amended, or revised at any meeting of the Club by a two-thirds vote of the quorum (33% of the membership as of January 31), provided the amendments or changes were submitted in writing to the membership at least ten days before the meeting.


Robert’s Rules of Order shall be the authority of the Club and shall be the order of the Club unless otherwise stated in this Constitution.


1. The Club year begins April 1 and runs through the following March 31. All financial affairs of the Club shall be completed by that date.

2. The annual dues of the Club shall be determined by the Board of Governors and approved by the General Membership and shall be submitted by May 1.

3. Annual dues for new members shall be pro-rated.

4. Dues of a member who becomes incapacitated may be waived at the discretion of the Executive Board for a period of up to one year.

5. Upon death of a member the Club shall honor her memory by donating $25.00 to a charity designated by the family.

6. The Club shall recognize an outstanding member of Crossed Sabres, the literary magazine, and the Raider (Helen Niman Raider Award), the school newspaper, at Loudoun County High School. These students shall be selected by their respective publications sponsors. The Club shall pay for inscribing his or her name on the plaques housed in the school trophy case and present these students with congratulatory letters.

7. Mr. William G. Brown is the registered agent of the Club.

8. The Board of Governors is authorized to commit an amount up to $150.00 in any matter concerning the Club.

9. Expenditures not included in The Woman’s Club budget must be requested through the Board of Governors for consideration and approval. For expenditures exceeding $150.00, the Board of Governors shall present the request with their recommendation to the membership of the Club.

10. GFWC speakers and speakers traveling from outside Loudoun County shall be reimbursed for round trip mileage at the rate established by GFWC.

11. A scholarship of a minimum $1000 shall be given to a student attending MATA (Monroe Advanced Technical Academy) to be given toward tuition for advanced education.